The great rift

Open Letter to My U.S. Government – This Veteran is Mad as Hell – Listen Up! That’s an Order
This good Catholic girl is mad as hell (and I never use that word, so that should tell you just how mad I am!) Read more…


Yes, the great rift…and I am not referring to a major geographic feature in Africa…as an external observer, it has been fascinating and concerning to watch the US government slowly shake itself to pieces with impasse between both irresponsible factions in the Senate.

Impasses over budgets, national debt and welfare policy are not unknown nor that unexpected…the real concern is the manner in which the government has resorted to the most petty means to maximize the hurt and inconvenience for the people. This is clearly a campaign if not led, certainly endorsed at the highest levels – such pettiness could not be sustained otherwise. To bar survivors of ‘The Greatest Generation’ on what for some may be their first and last visit to the memorial erected in their honour is not only inexcusable, it is the sort of petty arrogance that would see governments unceremoniously evicted in almost every other western nation. It has already been pointed out that, when this happened in Australia in the 70s, the government was promptly sacked by the Governor-General.


How do you get to close Mount Rushmore or shut off the sea or prevent people from living in holiday homes on federal land? Yeah, sure, I get that government agencies have to close when staff can not go to work but closing websites and preventing photography or access to memorials that do not require staffing? Puhlease! Give us a break…

The scary thing about all of this is it displays the almighty rift between government apparently from the people, by the people and from the people and the people themselves – representatives who appear more interested in playing petty political games than actually doing their level best to ensure that the best interests not those they present – the actual people, not the endless and mindless lobby and special interest groups – are looked after. Big fail, Congress, epic fail, Senate, super epic fail, Mr President.

It is good to see people getting angry about this but will it do any good unless the system itself is changed, unless political representatives are made responsible to the people they apparently are from, by and for, unless that rift is closed…? As one of the comments on Cynthia’s blog states ‘…time to take your country back...’ And that’s not a call to war, it’s a call for change, to return to your core values – and  that includes putting big business back in its box – in all fairness to the reigning president, he did give the banks a thrashing when he first came to power – and perhaps a period of introspection about your place in the world…

That is all.

Carry on.


8 thoughts on “The great rift

  1. Though after seeing the treatment of our veterans, the ones who volunteer to give their lives for our freedom vs the treatment of illegal aliens demanding – not requesting, mind you, but demanding citizenship, I think the president may just fancy himself the king. Illegal aliens were welcomed with portapotties and pandering politicians (some of them, sadly, from my state). Our veterans received riot police, helicopters, mounted police. Never did I think I would see that in my country. Shameful. Rather than coming out to apologize, the president skedaddled in his helicopter, piloted by the very people he disrespects so much, Good job I wasn’t flying that chopper. I would have given him an earful,


    • Even from the outside, this is sad to see and we really have to wonder how some people can be so blatantly dumb or petty…I am rewatching the Babylon 5 saga at the moment and it has a president who has ‘shadows’ at his side, whispering in his ear…I wonder sometimes who whispers in ears in the White House as this behavior seems to get worse as time goes by, more illogical and arrogant – is this a by-product of the two term rule, where there is no incentive to behave or play the game once confirmed into that second term?


      • I don’t think he’s smart enough to be on his own but he is arrogant, petty and spiteful enough to be pulling the nonsense he’s pulling. I am calling everyone out. Much to my surprise Twitter is very effective.


    • elusive thought just assumed physical form…you spoke of the king and my thought was of mad King George, or Richard III…


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