Time | The Daily Post

This week, think about time and portray it photographically. Perhaps you have a fascination with clocks. Or maybe contemplating time takes you somewhere else completely.

Source: Time | The Daily Post

My first thought on reading the title was “…time is fleeting…madness takes control…” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show’s all-time classic track, Time Warp…yes, I know the second phrase is “…madness takes its toll…” but I like my version better…

My second was the temporal irony of the Star Wars saga…the second time I saw Star Wars (the first I was just too blown away for any coherent thought) I just wanted it to go on and on and never end…the first (and ever subsequent) time I saw The Phantom Menace, I just wanted the pain to stop, for it to be over now, now, now…

I can talk about time, I can write about time, but photo time…? Hmmm…

Lily Lullaby 003

Bed time

Brussels 002

Time for a cold one…

CJ Grey mugshots 054

Play time…


Breakfast time


The passage of time…


7 thoughts on “Time | The Daily Post

  1. Pingback: Time (Organic) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  2. Love your interpretation of this week’s challenge. Sometimes time can feel fast, sometimes time can feel slow. Play time? Who doesn’t like that 😀 The dogs seem to be excited to have a bit of a run around and fun in the cold 🙂


    • Thanks…that was 2008 in Waiouru, a really heavy snow for here (normally it might only be knee deep for them)…the dogs were only two so even more happy to play…

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    • Thanks, Jane… I was so very Brad and Janet the first I went a Rocky Horror screening…thought I was just meeting with friends for a movie…they were late and I couldn’t understand why girls kept offering me rice and sheets of newspaper… Some new social trend I had missed perhaps..? A real experiences for this country boy…

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